The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Is a timeless book. It tells the story of the infamous outcast Huck Finn traveling up the Mississippi River to save Huck Finns friend, Jim the slave. Huck has always been the outcast of Hannibal, Missouri, he would always be hanging out with his best friend Tom Sawyer, until the Widow Douglas adopted him. The widow had a slave named Jim, of which Huck always felt bad for, who had to sleep outside and couldn´t eat anything. One Night Huck and Jim snuck out and built a raft, they were heading to the north. In the end Huck and Jim finally reached the North, Jim was no longer a slave, Huck (Finally) escaped widow Douglas. They were finally happy.
I have read this book, it is a really good book.